Name:    Prof. Risa Nofiani, S.Si., M.Si., PhD

NIP: 197411152000122001

NIDN: 0015117402

Sinta ID : 6040724

Scopus ID : Nofiani, Risa

Orcid ID:


Research Interests:

  1. Microbial natural product chemistry and biosynthesis using molecular biology and bioinformatics
  2. Food biochemistry particularly traditional food fermentation


2012-2017: PhD in Chemistry. School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK (Funded by the Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship of Directorate General of Resources for Science and Higher Education (Beasiswa Pendidikan Pascasarjana Luar Negeri Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pendidikan Tinggi (BPP-LN Ditjen SD Iptek-Dikti), Republic of Indonesia)

Thesis Title: An Investigation of Genes Involved in Strobilurin Biosynthesis

Supervisors: Prof. Russell Cox, Prof. Chris Willis and Dr. Andy Bailey

Brief Synopsis of Research: Investigation into the manipulation of secondary metabolite pathways from Basidiomycetes fungi, focussing on a polyketide synthase and tailoring enzymes involved in strobilurin biosynthesis.

1999-2002: Master of Science in Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology, ITB), Indonesia (Funded by DUE-Karyasiswa Scholarship, DIKTI)

Thesis Title: Cloning of PDI-like Gene from Thermophilic Bacillus acidocaldarius RP1

Supervisors: Dr. Dessy Natalia and Dr. Muliawati Sindumarta

1993-1997: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Riau, Indonesia (with honor for graduated with highest score in Departement of Chemistry)

Thesis Title: Determination of Ethyl Acetate Esterification Reaction Rate with Amberlite IR120 Catalyst.

Supervisors: Ir. Is Sulistyati, P.Su

Visiting Scholar / Postdoctoral Fellowships:

May-September,  2011 Counterpart: Prof. David Sherman, Life Science Institute, University of Michigan, USA
August-December 2018 Counterpart: Prof. Taifo Mahmud, College of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, USA (funded by Fulbright Grants For Indonesian Lecturers (RISTEK- DIKTI))
June-November, 2019 Counterpart: Prof. Taifo Mahmud, College of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, USA

Research Grants

2019- Principal Investigator in National Competitiveness Research Grant (Theme: Basic Research) with title Identification of Antibiotic Compounds from Indonesian Marine Bacteria Using Co-Culture and Genome Mining
2012 Principal Investigator in Research Incentive Program of The National Innovation System with title Development of An Antibiotic Lead Compound from Marine Actinomycetes from Randayan Island
2011 Principal Investigator  in Competition Grant for Research with title: Study of Cincalok Formulation Using Selected Lactic Acid Bacteria for Quality Improvement Efforts of Fermented Fishery Products of West Kalimantan
2010-2011 Principal Investigator in U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation with title: Biosynthesis of Antimicrobial Compound Produced by Unidentified Sponge-Associated Bacterium, Streptomyces sp. MA03
2010-2011 Member investigator in Competition Grant for Research with title Formulation Study and  preservative activity  asam kandis (Garcinia xanthochymus) on fresh fish product
2010-2011 Member investigator in Basic Science Grant for Research with title Study of Formulation  palasu fruit extract from Kalimantan Barat as the natural preservative on sea product
2008 Principal Investigator in Colaboration research grant with title Characterisation of Antimicrobials and Antimalarials Compounds from Sponge Associated Bacteria in Lemukutan Island, West Kalimantan
2007 Member investigator in Young Lecturer Research Grant with title Characterization of Kandis Acid as a Natural Preservation
2007 Principal Investigator in  Young Lecturer Research Grant with title Characterization Traditional Food of Puduk West Kalimantan
2006 Principal Investigator in Research of regional capacity building with title Characterization Traditional Food of Cincalok West Kalimantan
2004 Member investigator in Basic Science Grant for Research with title Purification and Charaterization MerA Protein from Enterobacter hafniae RG6
2004 Principal Investigator in Basic Science Grant for Research with title Cloning of merA Gene from Enterobacter hafniae RG6
2003 Member investigator in Competition Grant for Research with title Cloning of PDI-like Gene from Bacillus acidocaldarius RP1
2002 Principal Investigator in Higher Education Development Support (HEDS) Grant for research with title Isolation and Characterization Mercury Resistant Bacteria From Ex Illegal Mining, Mandor, West Kalimantan

Selected Publication

  1. Nofiani, R., Elminah E., and Ardiningsih, P., 2019, Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Commercial Fish Sauce, Buduk, Indonesian Processing Fisheries (Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia) (Accepted)
  2. Nofiani, R., Philmus, B., Nindita, Y., and Mahmus, T., 2019, 3-Ketoacyl-ACP Synthase (KAS) III Homologues and Their Roles in Natural Product Biosynthesis, MedChemComm. 10,1517-1530.
  3. Nofiani, R., de Mattos-Shipley, K., Lebe, K.L., Han, L-C., Iqbal, Z., Bailey, A. M. Willis, C.L., Simpson, T.J. and Cox, R.J., 2018, Strobilurin Biosynthesis in Basidiomycete Fungi, Nature Communications 9:3940-3951
  4. Iqbal, Z., Han, L-H., Soares-Sello, A., Nofiani, R., Thormann, G., Zeeck, A.,Willis,C.L Cox, R.J and Simpson, T.J., 2018, Investigations into the Biosynthesis of the Antifungal Strobilurins, Org. Biomol. Chem. 16(30):5524-5532
  5. Nofiani, R and Ardiningsih, P., 2018, Physichochemical and Microbiological Profiles of Commercial Cincalok from West Kalimantan, Indonesian Processing Fisheries Journal (Jurnal Penglahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia), 21(2):243-249.
  6. Nofiani, R., Hertanto, S., Zaharah, T.A., and Gafur, S., 2018., Proximate Compositions and Biological Activities of Caulerpa lentillifera, Molekul 13(2) 141-147.


  • Biochemistry I
  • Biochemistry II
  • Practical Biochemistry
  • Chemical Compound Separation and Purification Method II
  • Chemical Statistical Application
  • Biotechnology
  • Capita Selecta of Biochemistry
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • Enzymology
  • Food Biochemistry

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