Nama: Rudiyansyah, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Tanjung Pandan, 24 Januari 1972
NIP: 197201242000121001 / NIDN : 0024017205
- Bachelor in Chemistry in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia (1990-1996)
- Postgraduate in Organic Chemistry in Chemistry Department, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (1999-2001)
- Doctorate in Natural Products Chemistry in School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (2004-2009)
- Visiting Scholar in School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (2011)
- Posdoctoral fellows in the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany (2013-2014)
- Guest researcher in the Institute of Molecules and Materials of Le Mans (IMMM), France (2017)
Research Interest:
- Isolation, structural elucidation, conformational and biosynthesis studies, and biological evaluation of secondary metabolites from medicinal and fruit plants and from endophytic fungi of endemic fruit plants from tropical rain forest in West Borneo, Indonesia
- Semi synthetic and structural transformation of secondary metabolites from medicinal and fruit plants from tropical rain forest in West Borneo, Indonesia
Aktivitas Penelitian:
2011 |
Studi Perubahan Konformasi Struktur Senyawa Threo– Dan Erythro-Karolignan Dalam Beberapa Pelarut NMR Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan |
2011 | Isolation, Structural Determination, Conformational Study and Antioxidant activity of Lignans from the Bark of Durio affinis |
2012 | Isolation, structure elucidation and antioxidant evaluation of antraquinone from the root of Morinda citrifolia |
2013 | Isolasi, Penentuan Struktur dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa Antrakuinon dari Kayu Akar Tumbuhan Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) |
2014-2016 | Production of biodiesel from the crude palm oil (cpo) by using bifunctional heterogenous catalyst |
Publikasi Ilmiah:
- Rudiyansyah, Andi Hairil Alimuddin, Masriani, Rini Muharini, Zhen Liu, Tibor Kurtán, Peter Proksch, Arugosins O-Q: New Fungal Metabolites from the Fungus Xylariaceae sp. Isolated from the Leaves of Fruit Plant Lansium domesticum Corr. Fitoterapia (submitted), 2018
- Rudiyansyah, Andi Hairul Alimuddin, Masriani, Rini Muharini, Peter Proksch, New Tetranortriterpenoids, Langsatides A and B from the Seeds of Lansium domesticum, Phytochemitry Letters, 2018, 23, 90-93.
- Masriani, Rudiyansyah and Eny Enawaty, Cytotoxic activity of stem fraction of Pycnarrhena cauliflora through apoptosis induction on human breast cancer line T47D, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2017, 6 (accepted)
- Andi Hairil Alimuddin, Thamrin Usman, Nelly Wahyuni, Rudiyansyah, Yopa Eka Prawatya, Ismail Astar, and Yudi Yustira, Synthesis and characterization of Sn/zeolite and catalytic activity test in the esterification reaction of sludge oil, AIP Conference Proceedings 1823, 020052 (2017)
- Ismail Astar, Thamrin Usman, Nelly Wahyuni, Rudiyansyah, and Andi Hairil Alimuddin, Bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts from oil palm empty fruit bunches ash and alum for biodiesel synthesis simultaneously, AIP Conference Proceedings 1823, 020104 (2017)
- Rudiyansyah, Kanda Panthong and Mary J Garson, Chemistry and Pharmacognosy of the Genus Durio, Natural Product Communications, 2015, 10 (11), 1853-1860.
- Raha S. Orfali, Amal H. Aly, Weaam Ebrahim, Rudiyansyah, and Peter Proksch, Isochroman Derivatives from the Halotolerant Fungus Penicillium sp., Derived from Sediment of a Hyper Saline Lake, Phytochemistry Letters, 2015, 13, 234-238.
- Lia Destiarti, Roekmiati Tjokronegoro, Diana Rakhmawaty, and Rudiyansyah, The Use of TiO2-SiO2 in Photocatalytic Process to Degrade Toxic and Dangerous Waste, Makara, J. Sci., 2015, 19(1), 1-6.
- Rudiyansyah, Ajuk Sapar, Masriani, Rini Muharini and Mary J Garson, Study of conformational preferences of erythro-carolignan E assessed by the coupling between H7′-H8′ in different NMR solvents, Alchemy (Indonesia), 2015, 11(1), 1-7.
- Rudiyansyah, Masriani, I Wayan Mudianta and Mary J Garson, Isolation and absolute configuration of boehmenan from Durio affinis Becc., Records of Natural Products, 2014, 8(2), 195-198.
- Rudiyansyah, Steroid dan lignan dari kayu batang Durio oxleyanus (Malvaceae), Valensi (Indonesia), 2013,3(1), 57-64.
- Rudiyansyah, Cia Lang Lang, Gusrizal and AndiHairilAlimuddin, Senyawa antrakuinon yang bersifat antioksidan dari kayu akar tumbuhan mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia), Bulletin of the Indonesian Society of Natural Products Chemistry, 2012, 12(1), 9-13.
- Rudiyansyah., Lambert, L. K., Garson, M. J., Lignans and triterpenes from the bark of Durio carinatus and Durio oxleyanus, Journal of Natural Product, 2010, 73, 1649–1654.
- Rudiyansyah, Lambert, L.K., Garson, M.J., Conformational studies of lignans from Durio oxleyanus Griff. (Bombacaceae), Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 10, 116-121.
- Soekamto, N. H., Noor, A., Dini, I., Rudiyansyah, Garson, M. J., Coumarin and steroid compound from stem bark of Kleinhoviahospia Linn., Proceeding of The International Seminar on Chemistry, October 2008, Jatinangor, Indonesia, 231-234.
- Rudiyansyah, Suciati, Ross, B. P., Garson, M. J., Chemical diversity from indigenous Indonesian plants: New metabolites from Durio spp. and from Fagraea spp., Proceeding of the IOCD International Symposium; Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Studies of Asian Plants, Airlangga University Press, 2008, Surabaya, Indonesia, ISBN:978-979-1330-35-0.
- Rudiyansyah, Garson,M.J., Secondary metabolites from the wood bark of Durio zibethinus and Durio kutejensis, Journal of Natural Product, 2006, 69, 1218-1221.
- Aminah, S. A., Tanjung, M., Kristanti, A. N., Fandini, Rudiyansyah, Garson, M. J., Apigenin-(3′- O-7″)-quercetin-3′-methyl ether, a dimer flavonoid compound as inhibitor xanthine oxidase from Cassia spectabilis, Proceeding ASEAN Biochemistry Seminar, February 2006, Airlangga University-Universityof Groningen Koninklijke Nederlandse, Akademie van Wetenschappen, Surabaya, ISBN: 979-99675-1-1, 270-275.
Mata Kuliah yang diampu:
- Kimia Bahan Alam
- Penentuan Struktur Senyawa Alam
- Stereokimia
- Analisis Senyawa Organik